Monday, May 10, 2010

3 songs

I feel like recommending 3 songs from stuff I am listening to lately.

Jack Killed Mom, Jenny Lewis
"This song is about murder" sums it up. I just recently discovered Jenny Lewis (and her main band, Rilo Kiley) and love it. She's got this kind of alt-country vibe. Her album Acid Tongue has been on heavy rotation for me the last few days.

Slow Show, The National
You don't often hear baritone voices in rock music. The National's singer Matt Berninger has the most distinctive and recognizable voice around. I found an acoustic version of Slow Show on youtube and it might even be better than the album cut.

Unfair, Pavement
"We've got the hills of Beverly / let's burn the hills of Beverly!" This song just fucking rocks. Turn it all the way up. Between this song and Two States I'm thinking Pavement maybe doesn't like Southern California. Just a hunch.

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